Jill - JillyJamer             



 Interview With A Member

JillyJamer: How did  You find  TnM?

USPRATTE: My dear Friend Ursula told me about your Group while we where together by the Frog Group. So i asked her all about Things you do here and so on . Than i asked for a Disclamer from TNM and filled everything out sent also some Tags I made and viola here i am .

JillyJamer: Do you do PSP?

USPRATTE: Yes and loving it .... . I am  edicted to PSP............so if anybody would love a Tag just askt me .......LOL LOL LOL

JillyJamer: What do You think of the New game with Baby Photos?

USPRATTE: Who ever came up with it  << great Idea >>, but boy its hard because we dont know any one in Person ........hahaha

JillyJamer: What do you think of our Webpage ?

USPRATTE: Ray is doing an owsome Job i like it a lot ,,,

JillyJamer: Tell Ray what you think of the Webpage :O)

USPRATTE: You,,GO ,,Ray dont stop what your doing best....

JillyJamer: Do you like the one send rule?

USPRATTE: Well of course any Club has Rules and we better follow them .....smile

JillyJamer: Whats your favorite thing on TnM?

USPRATTE: Cant say because i like  all the diverend Themes here  , OK i have one ,,Fab ,, I love how all the Members are sticking together in bad and happy Times . That  really says a lot about  a Club . So needless to say I will be here for a longgggggggggggggggggggg Time .

I am a Staff Member by the  ,, Froggie Club,, for uddles of Years and do all the translation for our German People, also making Tags and adding Names to Tags << no Animation >> still having a hard Time mastering that Field ........hahaha. I do practice for Weeks now .......grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.Well one of this Days i will surprise everybody here .
Jill Thanks for making me feel speziale doing this Interview
 Love Ully




